Readers! Time for you to see the next discussion in the romance of Akane and M! This one's still before my arrival in United States. First email is from M.
Here's an email just to be a present for you to wake up to!
Hettie showed me your email about wondering if blogging was a requirement here. I'm sure it probably seems that way, but she's right, it's not. You can check out my blogs if you want to see how bad I am about updating them!
If you ever have any interest in trying to blog or use Twitter, you'll have a whole housefull of people here supporting you and ready to give advice. You have a wonderful voice, and while we'll be happy to have it all to ourselves, I bet that reading the things you write would bring happiness to a much larger number of people.
No pressure though!
Love you,
(Please imagine you could go to the links, Readers, and when you traveled there in a click, such amazing readings! One about all kinds of topics, another just about Star Wars. Yes, a whole blog that is only Star Wars! It's probably too much for most people, but imagine you enjoyed it. Because our house requires a private approach, I can't actually link them. Please forgive me!)
Thank you for my present!
I'm insomniacal, so it came and I was already awake. I think my body knows it must change its times soon, so it refuses me when I say, "Sleep!" Body, you're too rushed! I won't leave for days! It doesn't listen. So intransigent!
Excellent! You are terrible at something! It's blogging as much as your girlfriends!
But ... you're very good when you do it, you know? Now I see what you mean about blogging. These thoughts you have, and the words you trap them in! I don't really like spiders, so this sounds bad, but it's like a spider that makes a beautiful web. So fine, so complex! When dew gathers on your threads and there is the sun shining right to make it gleam ... it's the beauty and meaning of nature!
Your nature is to put together these thoughts, M. It's factual.
My thoughts are more like flies than spiderwebs! Jittery and fast! Now they land on food. Now they land on a poster on my wall. Now they land on someone's hair that is so pretty, except it has a fly on it! If I catch them, won't I just have ugly flies? And maybe disturb a girl's hair? Also, flies are dirty. But could it be sensible about me? I have many dirty thoughts, you can tell. "Masturbate, masturbate, masturbate, Akane!" Or, "Is he really 16 cm?!? Mmmm!" Or a seed exclamation mark with a heart-shaped dribble below that I keep going back to look at in Claire's blog.
Such dirty and jittery and flitty thoughts! How would I make a blog out of them?
Oh, M. Do you know what I like? It's something unbelievable, you'll think: a premonition, you called it.
After all I said about my scatter-fly thoughts, now one lands on me and sticks! And a clean one, not dirty at all ... I see colors shining from the tiny gems of its eyes. Its feet are soft and not scratchy. What? No ugly buzzing with this fly? It's the truth! Only sweet hums escape its wings. It's so stuck to me, I can't shake it away. And it hums a secret for my ear: "M is going to write back and make you know you can do it, Akane."
Is it true? I think so! You won't let my thoughts be flies. You'll tell me what is the difference ... I feel this in my future.
So if I am right, maybe there will be blogging, not just role-playing games and Star Wars and so much having sex.
Don't worry! The blogging is for on top of them, not instead! No robbery of RPG-Star Wars-sex time ... it's a promise!
Hey! Soon the sun is coming up here in Japan. I think I must watch it rise. Also, imagine you here to watch with me! Your hand is warm on my shoulder like new sunlight on my skin. I feel so beautiful. How am I this lucky?
Don't argue about it, Akane!
Okay, my window points directly wrong for sunrise ... so, I must go outside. That means clothes!
Bye for now, my M. After sunrise, have you made my premonition valid? This is a challenge!
Hearts and flowers of love,
I hope it was a good sunrise!
Akane, I think if you re-read your email, you'll see what an impossible challenge you gave me, because it sure looks to me like you already see the difference yourself. Good writing is all about juxtapositions: one thing beside another beside another. Honestly, you're a natural at it. The way you took me from the jittery flies to the one with sweetly musical ears and shining gem eyes ... that's a journey anybody who reads the email will take with you.
You're really talented. Maybe you just don't know it?
I keep reading your emails over and over again because they're so lovely and vivacious and funny. And you make it look easy! I can tell you do work at it -- most really good writing requires some heavy lifting. But when it flows as naturally and entertainingly as yours does, the sense of spontaneity makes it look effortless.
Thank you so much for saying it's my nature to put thoughts together and express them. I really think it's your nature too!
Yes! I am right!
Victory for my premonition!
It's okay that I made it too easy for you. "It's a challenge" does not always have to mean, "Oh no! Watch out, there may be failures!" Sometimes it just means I want something but I want you to want it too instead of just me saying, "Please?" Tricky, right? But I hope it's good trickery, not the bad kind.
Oops, more sneaky Akane! I made a Twitter account while insomnia plagued the night. It looks so sharp! You'll like what you see. In the blogs, I keep reading that you do Photoshop on so many of the pictures. I can do it too! More of our interests are in coincidence!
I'm @Hiitsmeakane, but it isn't public. I must admit you! I'll go and do it now.
Failure. I don't get to tell it you can see, only if you ask to follow. I don't want people to think you're dumb for following an empty account, so don't do it yet. But good news! It means you can just go look at the profile anytime! Only it will give you a rude attitude and say, "No! You cannot see Akane's tweets! My power deflects you!" But at least you can tell me the profile looks so good. (It's pictures of me, so please don't say it's not good! I can't have the soul of my Twitter crushed before I even post any there.)
Such a sunrise, M. It's so much to describe. My flies are jittery again! I'll have to work hard to spin a web for them to turn musical in.
Sweetness and pleasure,
Wow. I would follow that girl even if she wasn't you! Well, I don't really follow many doll accounts, but Claire certainly would.
If the sunrise was half as beautiful as your Twitter profile, it's no wonder you need some time to describe it. I love your modest little curlicue ... though I hate to tell you, it doesn't keep that photo from being incredibly sexy! Great job with Photoshop, both the curl and the cropping ... once again, you're super-talented.
Were you really being confident when you said you expected me to like it? I hope so! Although it's also adorable if you were putting on a brave face to hide your nerves. It says something good about you either way, you know?
I was paying some bills today, and ... I have a lot of money! I thought I was being a little irresponsible sending so much to the website to get you here, but actually, it doesn't look like there's anything to worry about. I wasn't going to worry much about it anyway, but now I'm totally good. It was the right thing to do ... definitely for me; I hope you'll think for both of us.
Have you read any more of my book? The girls' blogs? The Broken Worlds rules?
This adventure isn't keeping you too busy, is it?
When you have a chance, tell me what movies and shows you like.
It's a challenge!
Don't follow girls who aren't me! I'll be jealous and stupid jealous Akane will ruin everything!
All my other boyfriends have been so "I must break up with this guy" on their own. They didn't need making me jealous as a straw. (This is a thing in English, right? Too many straws, then it's a broken camel. Am I right about it?) And we always only had too much sex in my apartment, when did they have time to make me jealous? So really I don't know if being jealous makes me stupid.
I'll test it now!
Akane, M is always having sex with Claire. Jealous meter! How big is it?
Hmm. Not much.
Akane! Look at pictures of Ariel! So beautiful! Those breasts! He must squeeze them perpetually! Look at the pictures of Elle with his semen all over her! Jealous meter!
Ummmm. It's a feeling somewhere, definitely. But ...
Akane! All the poems! For all of them! Where is this poetry for you? Jealous meter!
No, the alarm is a falsehood. I know this feeling plenty, it's a horny one. Never mind.
Probably this outcome would make obvious premonitions, so it's a strike for you, premonitions. I guess if a boyfriend is sex partners with five women of gorgeousness and it's okay for me, jealousy should be unconcerning. So, follow every cute girl! It's not a worry at all! But show them to me too, so I can practice my lesbian attraction. It's probably in good shape already, but I must be prepared! Claire and Elle and Ariel and Sasha and Harriet ... so many breasts and vaginas and curvy bottoms. I can't come without impulses of lesbianism ready and well developed, can I?
Oh, M. The inefficiency! Brainfuls of worrying over jealousy when it isn't even showing up on the meter. I should just start the email with your book or the game or the blogs of so many new girlfriends! Or revealing a catalog of my favorites.
Also, I should have an admission before wasting email space on non-jealousy ... Hettie permitted the easiest interrogation about your size! She said it all. So many centimeters! You will see on my face when your pants release it. The awe.
The girl who is me and the hero who is you and the blond dramatic boy are at the broken city. The evil black-hair woman ... she just can't learn to not be evil! She's rescued by generous strangers. They help her and she likes them! They make her laugh. But later ... "I'm so mad I didn't kill them!" This attitude is a problem. Very bad eyes of her to not see it.
Next is the wreckage of the city! What will they find???
I'm afraid to reveal tip-top favorites. What can I recommend after they're done? Progression from best can only be worse and worse, right? It's so backwards! So I have to start where it is only very good. Medium favorites! Maybe even some so-so. Have you seen Attack on Titan? It's bloody! There's catastrophe everywhere. Some is incredible! But, there are the ups, then the downs, then the ups again. I want to follow one character, and they show me another one. So: mixed! There's also High Score Girl. I won't spoil any of it. Oh! Kill la kill! Exciting and funny! Maybe it's too good for this group? You must say.
These are all Japanese shows though. My wager is, you are in suspense! Does she like Star Wars?
It's a yes! Especially the television of it. I don't complain about the movies ... they're so good! Only you start one, and then it's done. Just two hours. Who can be satisfied? I must watch the next one, but it's so late at night when number one completes. With shows, you just watch one more. It's my size investment. Two more, maximum! (It doesn't always work out.)
Star Trek? You'll have to show me. "What is your Star Trek knowledge, Akane?" "It exists! There are space ships! Very old people kept making movies of it a long time. Now everyone's younger. That's about it." So you guys like it? I require guidance, but I'm willing!
MCU ... very exciting! I have seen every one. But usually once is enough, right? Watching Star Wars over and over doesn't put straws on my camel.
Time to click the send button I think ... so many more books and blogs and rules to read!
I love them though!
They are you. 😊
Obviously I need to be more careful about how I tell you that you're incredibly cute and beautiful, Akane! I certainly don't want to make you jealous like that again! 😉
You're getting to some of my favorite parts in the book! I hope it's holding up!
C is one of my favorite characters. She's just so so so very bad! Someday I need to write a story about a character who's just like her, except mostly good with only a little bad thrown in.
I've seen most of Attack on Titan. I think I got partway through season two and then something distracted me. It was a long time ago, so I'll probably just start it over again instead of trying to figure out what place I was at. Did you like it enough to re-watch? I could save it for when you get here if you like. High Score Girl and Kill La Kill are now on my list!
Thank you for relieving my stress about your opinion on Star Wars! I didn't want to come across as a total nerd and say you have to like Star Wars to live here. But you kind of have to like Star Wars to live here. I was pretty sure you'd like it. Or that it's the kind of thing you'd like if you hadn't already seen it. Which one of the shows is your favorite?
Willingness to watch Star Trek is a big plus too. Claire will be especially happy about that.
Sasha and Ariel are trying to describe all their MCU experiences on their blog. Have you gone to that one yet? They're hilarious there. I think you'll get a kick out of it.
Well, it's closing in on bedtime here, so I'd better go. (Also, I've been at the computer an awfully long time, and it gives me eyestrain after a while. You're worth enduring it! But if I go too long, my eyes cross, and I see two of everything when I go outside and look down the street. Not good.)
I'll talk to you tomorrow!
So terrible of me to not respond to this email the next day.
Akane, where is your queue vigilance?
But there's another email from you now too! I will put the answers to this one in that one.
Your terrible girlfriend,
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