Readers, the first email in this post ... don't be shocked! It does not come from my wonderful boyfriend, M. Also, it does not come from me! Now everyone's saying, "I thought this was a blog about a wonderful boyfriend's emails?" Yes! It's true! I don't just allege it. But some boyfriend emails are about other emails, and how can my readers understand those emails from him without seeing the emails they are about? I tried to create this post that way, but M's emails suffered without the emails that sparked them, so they're required. Contextual!
"But Akane," readers say, "who could these emails be from that they intrude and give imposition so early in the email romance of M and Akane?" The answer is, girlfriend Hettie. You must know her! Go to the blog of Hettie at once. You'll be rewarded, I promise! She's second-newest in girlfriending around this house, arrived just one year before the M email that changed Akane's life. It's a house of so many relationships! But the email courtings of M and Akane happened very close to the anniversary of Hettie as a girlfriend, so it's understood a loving boyfriend like M must pay her some attention.
So! First, the email of Hettie. (Don't worry, there's a big part for M in this email!)
Hello, sweet Akane,
M and I are in front of the computer at the moment. We just finished some blissful interconnections in bed, and we carried them over here as well (by which I mean, he's still inside me).
As I moved atop him, early on, I asked him how he would do this with you the first time.
Would you like to know his answer?
I'm genuinely pleased to meet you, by the way.
Yours in impending domesticity,
Harriet (Hettie) Worthy
(Obviously, the next email can't be from M. Akane would never be so rude to not answer a question asked by an impending girlfriend. Also ... such a curiosity-making question!)
You're a naughty woman! What an arsony of bedtime surprise in an email!
(And is he really 16 cm?!? You are so lucky! We are so lucky!)
Make him orgasm for me many times until I can get there.
Your new girlfriend,
Now readers are ready to go to an M email, yes? "No, Akane! Don't be this kind of tease -- we must know the answer as well!" Okay, if you have to. (Warning! It's pretty dirty.)
He said that the first time would be very gentle, of course ... or at least that it would start that way. (Your opinion and input would be needed for any and all of this, by the way.) He would hold you and look in your eyes, feel your body against his own and under his hands, kiss you, talk to you.
Quickly grow hard against your flesh.
He would treat your breasts to kisses and nibbles. He enjoys suckling very much, I'll warn you. Then he would move down and be amazed by your glorious genitalia. Caressing the mons and labia. Spreading the lips to see within. Putting his lips to the graceful tiny bud of your clitoris.
I read your emails, so I know that you both imagined some wonderful sex with you on your back atop him. But he said he would need to start face-to-face -- able to look into your eyes, kiss your lovely little mouth.
Then he would slowly and exquisitely slide into place, feeling first your thighs to either side of his cock, then the wet caress of your opening against his tip, and then, staring into the overwhelming violet purity of your gaze, the heaven of having you part and permit and surround him.
He likes to spend a while with only a partial penetration -- the first four or five centimeters. But I told him, "It won't take very much of that before she spreads her legs wide and sits down hard against you to get it all inside."
Unfortunately, that's the end of the story, because by that time, we were both dissolving into the waves of our own intercourse, and I'm afraid I stole away all his attention. If it's any consolation, I came all over his cock a great many times, and he filled me up twice before we were done.
Ask me questions! About anything, not just the sex. I know you've read at least some of the polyfam's blogs. Just warn me if you've gone through any of mine, so that when I answer your inquiries, I don't make a fool of myself through dreadful repetition.
Affectionately yours,
Hettie. ๐ฎ
I am sorry if this email becomes the messiest! There will be typos!
Explanation: this keyboard is covered in drool, and my fingers are bathed in stickiness from masturbating while I read your story!
So hot! I must have him that way!
But ...
Please, don't tease me!!! You didn't say if he's actually so large!
I know it is not a deep question. Haha, it's shallow because I want to know how deep he will go! This is irony! I think from the blogs your household likes it, yes? But even if the question is shallow and tastes metallic from irony, I'm so serious! 16 cm!!! It will be a vision.
You must tell me it's true and I won't be disappointed!
What?!? No typos yet!
Confess, Akane!
I paused to wipe clean the keys and suck away all sweet sappy squish from my fingers. Sorry to delay.
I did read so much blogging from you all! Only now my head is too full to say, "Here, I know this, you don't have to tell me!" It's a disappointment, I'm sure. You put so much effort into the enterprise, and now you are thinking, "This Akane is suspect. She read so much but she doesn't remember? Is it untrue? Or is her head made of defects?" No! You can trust me! Except for small lies, like "There will be typos." I made one and I corrected it. So dishonest of me, I know! I couldn't help it, I want you to think good things about me, and your blog, so well written! Typos must hurt your eyes. Oh! Akane! Your the worst and most insensitive! Hettie doesn't have eyes! Disaster! I have tried to make up for insensitive words by being more honest ... look how I left "your" and did not fix it to be "you're!" Please trust me!
OMG, what was I even saying. I have to reread everything now. I'll be back.
I promise not to fix any typos I see!
No! The whole thing, clean of typos except "your"! Now you think I'm full of lies! But I promise, I didn't fix any!
Does it count if there was an exclamation mark, and I said, "Too many exclamation marks, Akane. That one should change!" and then I stopped myself? It's true. So many explanation marks. It's probably more than one too many. I should change a bunch. But! I have the willpower! No changing! And! Victory! I wrote "explanation marks" and not "exclamation marks!"
Is this a redemption for my repute of trueness?
More re-reading. No looking for typos this time!
OMG, Akane, you are so exhausting to yourself.
I found my question in a brain-corner at last.
Everyone blogs SO MUCH. Is it a rule? Sasha's blog makes me nervous ... "They Made Me Do This!" I will blog if I have to. But what if I'm bad at it? Can I have a postponement, at least? There will be so much with the moving in, who could handle learning to blog too at the same time?
I will try if I must, but tell me so I am in preparation.
This email. What an embarrassment! ๐ญ
I will write the others better. You deserve them to be!
๐Akane ๐
(Don't worry, readers, we're getting very close to a boyfriend email! I involved him next.)
M! Help me!
I am embarrassing myself at Harriet!
She'll tell you, I'm sure, or maybe not because she's nice, but she's thinking, "This Akane is awful!"
What do I do???
Akane ๐ญ
I only know amazing people, Akane, so I get a lot of wonderful emails. You are one of those people, and your emails are those kinds of emails. Please don't be embarrassed.
Now the bad news.
I'm afraid M is a bit of a braggart if he told you he's endowed to the tune of sixteen centimeters. It's more like fifteen. Maybe somewhere between the two. He uses it quite well, though. You won't miss the extra centimeter, I promise.
And you needn't worry about blogging if you don't care to try it. I only do it once in a blue moon. Elle is also highly sporadic about maintaining hers. Really, it's just Claire who's dependable and Ariel who's prodigious. Of course you have the links to the girls' blogs, but M has one too -- a couple of them actually. If you visit them you'll see that he's atrocious about keeping them up.
I feel like you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself! From the bottom of my heart, I beg of you not to do that. This simply isn't the kind of place where you need to worry about appearances.
Write back when you feel like it ... but only when you feel like it.
I think we'll be together a long time; there's no need to rush anything.
With fondest assurances,
Oh. Also, the reply of Akane to Hettie's most beautiful soothing email must be shown.
Hettie, thank you so much! I'm crying all over your email. The relief just swells in my eyes and won't stop coming out!
Now my nose sniffles. Where is a tissue? I must blow it!
I will end this email first so I don't expose you.
Here! Now finally is a boyfriend email!
I asked Harriet what happened, and she said she already wrote you back, so I shouldn't worry about it.
My guess is that her email fixed whatever had you concerned, but please let me know if you still need help!
There! You see? I told you, no context + this email of M = incomprehensible.
Hmm. Possibly, I was mistaken. It seems pretty readable when I look at it just now.
Oh well, here's the answer of Akane, then we can be done.
Oh! Sorry!
My computer made the email noise and suddenly I'm awake again but so tired!
I should have waited! You're so good emailing back. What a proper habit!
Yes, our wonderful Hettie is the most at reassuring!
I'm fine now, except yawning so much!
Can I say goodnight?
I hope so, because now, the computer volume is 100% done!
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