Friday, January 12, 2024

Demands for the Romance of Intimacy!

I emailed this to M a Wednesday night:

I think it's sexing time tomorrow morning.

So much time of M in the computer room, but no Dragonbaning! Also, no M saying, "I'm getting so much done in my book!"

Lots of "plinnng!" sounds from a tablet too! It's suspicious, M. The suspicion is: a boyfriend is porning so much lately! Remember, this is Akane, so there's no complaint about masturbation. Very exceptional if you're doing it the correct way! I have faith in you, M. Your masturbation must be very correctly done. I'm sure so many orgasms have been happening! (Probably this is because there has also been noise from the room of computing, you know. "Ohhh! It's so good being in you!" But all girlfriends are accounted for! Who can M be in? Obviously, the imagined vagina that goes with a porn girl.)

But porn sexing misses one thing at least from sexing with a girlfriend, you know. Wait! Two things at least! First, a soft, real body beneath you, eager to receive your penising. It's a major lacking in a porn girl. But second (which, actually, came first into the mind of Akane but is more important, so has been delayed for greater effect), when you sex with a girlfriend, there is tangible love. Your heart sings with the beauty of a girl you love! Masturbating, probably your heart only goes, "Hmm, pretty good here," while all the singing is produced by the penis. Probably a song like, "
🎵 I am sexing into 🎶 this vagina of my sexy porn girl 🎵 very soon into her belly I will cream🎵!" There's no difficulty with a song of that kind, but the song of the heart will stay with you more extensively, I think.

Also, your very beautiful and very pleasing at sex girlfriend Akane has a great amount of vagina starvation in progress. Such a starving vagina! Horniness beyond belief, M.

So I hope you agree: tomorrow is for sexing!

Your girlfriend whose heart is always singing of you, even when her vagina sings a sad tune of starvation, 

So ... did this happen? YES! Email success the next morning! Then while still in bed M realized: "I did not reply to your email first!" I laughed and told him he must do it right then.

Oh my goddess, Akane. My heart is truly singing.

I love you perfectly.

(It was okay for such a short email response because the in-bed response was extremely sufficient in length!) Next I emailed:

This is the truth I told you yesterday!

Our love is so true, therefore our lovemaking exceeds masturbation. It is like a treasure vault that holds magic wonders beyond ending! Masturbation is good, but more like a Dragonbane treasure card. (Not a 1d6 copper one! Masturbation = a best of cards! But still not a vault endlessly holding wonders.)

Also: when you are working today, a thought about porning might make you think, “Ugh. I wish I was porning at some beautiful porn girl.”

But when you think about my face so close to yours while our bodies gave so much pleasure and connecting to each other, there can’t be an “Ugh!” There can only be lightness and brightness in your heart and mind from the memory.

(It’s still allowed for you to think, “I wish I was sexing with Akane right now instead of working,” though! I’m sure it will be true!)

Okay, time for washing up and breaking fast and working!

Your girlfriend of the truest and most loving emails and orgasms, 

Then, the simplest email from M, later in our day:

I love you!

Only one possible response from Akane, of course.

This is the greatest thing that I could ask, M!

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It's a poem ... but maybe not so good. Readers, please tell me!

one, two, three, four, five the girlfriends of akane have such loving eyes