Sunday, October 15, 2023

The first post of innovated blog purpose!

From: girlfriend Ariel.

Hi, Akane! Happy Anniversary!

I was talking to M yesterday or day before and something we said made him suddenly realize and then remind me that your anniversary with him is also your anniversary with the rest of us and our anniversary with you, so I figured I'd better do some kind of something for our anniversary!

What I thought of first was this email. Which, here you go! (Once I send it, I mean.)

What I thought of next was, we should do something together. (I don't mean naughty stuff, although that's always good to do together too.)

I don't know what!

Maybe you can think of something.

It just seems to me, people think on their anniversaries they need to give the other anniversary-er something special to show what a big deal they are ... but isn't there something about me doing a thing for you that puts me on one side and you on the other side of it? It feels like that's kind of the opposite of what it's supposed to be, which is us being closer and closer?

Anyway, let's talk about it tomorrow!

Love you! Really, really!

The reply of Akane:

Oh! So thoughtful, my Ariel!

You are truly the girlfriend of inspiredness.

Yes! We must do something!


But what?

(There was a pause there. An idea, then, Hmm, Akane, this idea requires an investigation. Then some investigation. Now, return!)

I went to look at my newer blog:

Does it need to be just a blog of good boyfriending, I thought?

Looked at more closely, it possibly would fit good girlfriending also.

Is blogging together an option? I don't know about what. Also, the title is Akane's Emails of Romance, which would require us blogging there by emailing each other.

Or I would have to exchange titles.

Or, another blog entirely is possible. But we have so many already!

I have determined it: these two emails just now are going to be blogged. We can figure out later if this will be a tradition, or just a thing I did because of your wonderful thoughtful anniversarying email.

Hmm. Including girlfriend emails makes greater possibilities for that blog! You're so smart, Ariel!

Okay, going now. We'll talk more later!

Your girlfriend in love on our anniversary,

Expansion of Blogging Purpose!


There has not been so much blogging in this blog. Where are all the wondrous emails of romance Akane promised? Well, intentions were good, but the blog author ... so hasty! Yes, there have been so many emails of romance, and I expected to display them all to show the world such wonderful words of my boyfriend M and such heartfelt replies I sent back.

But ... readers, some of those emails ... um ... so filthy! Dirty, dirty, filthy emails. Not most of them, but some of them. I can't reveal them here, or it will be, "This Akane, so misleading! We expected emails of romance, and instead -- just emails of two very dirty-minded people. Filthy sexymails don't count for romance." Also, they might be jealousy-making. "Such emails of self-congratulatory! It's just these two bragging on each other, 'I have the most sexy girlfriend,' and 'I have the most orgasm-causing boyfriend!'" I don't like to seem bragful. (Even though the sexing of Akane and her M is very, very good! I promise I don't exaggerate.) Also, I don't like to pang my readers with boredom. ("Over and over, this Akane and her  M saying, 'I want to do ____ to you,' and, 'Oh, such good ____ you did to me!' It's tiresome!")

Others of emails would be unprivatizing. M asking, "Did you read my book, ____, that I sent you?" Then Akane replying, "Oh, yes, I loved the character of ____ and how she did ____ at the place where ____." If the blanks are filled in, the identity of M is revealed! If the blanks are left blank, so confusing, and even more boring than emails of sex braggadocio. 

Other emails were Akane delighting M with hilarious tales of bad boyfriends. But those tales are on my bad boyfriending blog! If I put them here too, repetitious, and plus, more boredom at the parts where M says, "Hahaha, so hilarious when Mochi-Stealing Boyfriend hogged all those mochis. Akane, you are hilarity."

However, there's a solution!

Akane did not just come to a house where she lives with M. Readers, as you have seen in earlier posts, there are girlfriends here also. Adding girlfriend emails to boyfriend emails will mean, it's easier to find ones I can post without inflicting boredom or failure of romantic purpose.


To prove this I will post a wondrous girlfriend anniversary email.

It's a poem ... but maybe not so good. Readers, please tell me!

one, two, three, four, five the girlfriends of akane have such loving eyes