Monday, July 10, 2023

A Girlfriend Who Comes With a Boyfriend?!

Readers, the first email in this post ... don't be shocked! It does not come from my wonderful boyfriend, M. Also, it does not come from me! Now everyone's saying, "I thought this was a blog about a wonderful boyfriend's emails?" Yes! It's true! I don't just allege it. But some boyfriend emails are about other emails, and how can my readers understand those emails from him without seeing the emails they are about? I tried to create this post that way, but M's emails suffered without the emails that sparked them, so they're required. Contextual!

"But Akane," readers say, "who could these emails be from that they intrude and give imposition so early in the email romance of M and Akane?" The answer is, girlfriend Hettie. You must know her! Go to the blog of Hettie at once. You'll be rewarded, I promise! She's second-newest in girlfriending around this house, arrived just one year before the M email that changed Akane's life. It's a house of so many relationships! But the email courtings of M and Akane happened very close to the anniversary of Hettie as a girlfriend, so it's understood a loving boyfriend like M must pay her some attention.

So! First, the email of Hettie. (Don't worry, there's a big part for M in this email!)

Hello, sweet Akane,

M and I are in front of the computer at the moment. We just finished some blissful interconnections in bed, and we carried them over here as well (by which I mean, he's still inside me).

As I moved atop him, early on, I asked him how he would do this with you the first time.

Would you like to know his answer?

I'm genuinely pleased to meet you, by the way.

Yours in impending domesticity,

Harriet (Hettie) Worthy

(Obviously, the next email can't be from M. Akane would never be so rude to not answer a question asked by an impending girlfriend. Also ... such a curiosity-making question!)


You're a naughty woman! What an arsony of bedtime surprise in an email!


(And is he really 16 cm?!? You are so lucky! We are so lucky!)

Make him orgasm for me many times until I can get there.

Your new girlfriend,


Now readers are ready to go to an M email, yes? "No, Akane! Don't be this kind of tease -- we must know the answer as well!" Okay, if you have to. (Warning! It's pretty dirty.)


He said that the first time would be very gentle, of course ... or at least that it would start that way. (Your opinion and input would be needed for any and all of this, by the way.) He would hold you and look in your eyes, feel your body against his own and under his hands, kiss you, talk to you.

Quickly grow hard against your flesh.

He would treat your breasts to kisses and nibbles. He enjoys suckling very much, I'll warn you. Then he would move down and be amazed by your glorious genitalia. Caressing the mons and labia. Spreading the lips to see within. Putting his lips to the graceful tiny bud of your clitoris.

I read your emails, so I know that you both imagined some wonderful sex with you on your back atop him. But he said he would need to start face-to-face -- able to look into your eyes, kiss your lovely little mouth.

Then he would slowly and exquisitely slide into place, feeling first your thighs to either side of his cock, then the wet caress of your opening against his tip, and then, staring into the overwhelming violet purity of your gaze, the heaven of having you part and permit and surround him.

He likes to spend a while with only a partial penetration -- the first four or five centimeters. But I told him, "It won't take very much of that before she spreads her legs wide and sits down hard against you to get it all inside."

Unfortunately, that's the end of the story, because by that time, we were both dissolving into the waves of our own intercourse, and I'm afraid I stole away all his attention. If it's any consolation, I came all over his cock a great many times, and he filled me up twice before we were done.

Ask me questions! About anything, not just the sex. I know you've read at least some of the polyfam's blogs. Just warn me if you've gone through any of mine, so that when I answer your inquiries, I don't make a fool of myself through dreadful repetition.

Affectionately yours,


Hettie. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

I am sorry if this email becomes the messiest! There will be typos!

Explanation: this keyboard is covered in drool, and my fingers are bathed in stickiness from masturbating while I read your story!

So hot! I must have him that way!

But ...

Please, don't tease me!!! You didn't say if he's actually so large!

I know it is not a deep question. Haha, it's shallow because I want to know how deep he will go! This is irony! I think from the blogs your household likes it, yes? But even if the question is shallow and tastes metallic from irony, I'm so serious! 16 cm!!! It will be a vision.

You must tell me it's true and I won't be disappointed!

What?!? No typos yet!

Confess, Akane!

I paused to wipe clean the keys and suck away all sweet sappy squish from my fingers. Sorry to delay.

I did read so much blogging from you all! Only now my head is too full to say, "Here, I know this, you don't have to tell me!" It's a disappointment, I'm sure. You put so much effort into the enterprise, and now you are thinking, "This Akane is suspect. She read so much but she doesn't remember? Is it untrue? Or is her head made of defects?" No! You can trust me! Except for small lies, like "There will be typos." I made one and I corrected it. So dishonest of me, I know! I couldn't help it, I want you to think good things about me, and your blog, so well written! Typos must hurt your eyes. Oh! Akane! Your the worst and most insensitive! Hettie doesn't have eyes! Disaster! I have tried to make up for insensitive words by being more honest ... look how I left "your" and did not fix it to be "you're!" Please trust me!

OMG, what was I even saying. I have to reread everything now. I'll be back.

I promise not to fix any typos I see!

No! The whole thing, clean of typos except "your"! Now you think I'm full of lies! But I promise, I didn't fix any!

Does it count if there was an exclamation mark, and I said, "Too many exclamation marks, Akane. That one should change!" and then I stopped myself? It's true. So many explanation marks. It's probably more than one too many. I should change a bunch. But! I have the willpower! No changing! And! Victory! I wrote "explanation marks" and not "exclamation marks!"

Is this a redemption for my repute of trueness?


More re-reading. No looking for typos this time!

OMG, Akane, you are so exhausting to yourself.

I found my question in a brain-corner at last.

Everyone blogs SO MUCH. Is it a rule? Sasha's blog makes me nervous ... "They Made Me Do This!" I will blog if I have to. But what if I'm bad at it? Can I have a postponement, at least? There will be so much with the moving in, who could handle learning to blog too at the same time?

I will try if I must, but tell me so I am in preparation.

This email. What an embarrassment! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I will write the others better. You deserve them to be!

๐Ÿ’•Akane ๐Ÿ’


(Don't worry, readers, we're getting very close to a boyfriend email! I involved him next.)

M! Help me!

I am embarrassing myself at Harriet!

She'll tell you, I'm sure, or maybe not because she's nice, but she's thinking, "This Akane is awful!"

What do I do???

Akane ๐Ÿ˜ญ

No, wait. First before the email answer of M, Hettie replied to my message of embarrassed bloat.

I only know amazing people, Akane, so I get a lot of wonderful emails. You are one of those people, and your emails are those kinds of emails. Please don't be embarrassed.

Now the bad news.

I'm afraid M is a bit of a braggart if he told you he's endowed to the tune of sixteen centimeters. It's more like fifteen. Maybe somewhere between the two. He uses it quite well, though. You won't miss the extra centimeter, I promise.

And you needn't worry about blogging if you don't care to try it. I only do it once in a blue moon. Elle is also highly sporadic about maintaining hers. Really, it's just Claire who's dependable and Ariel who's prodigious. Of course you have the links to the girls' blogs, but M has one too -- a couple of them actually. If you visit them you'll see that he's atrocious about keeping them up.

I feel like you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself! From the bottom of my heart, I beg of you not to do that. This simply isn't the kind of place where you need to worry about appearances.

Write back when you feel like it ... but only when you feel like it.

I think we'll be together a long time; there's no need to rush anything.

With fondest assurances,


Oh. Also, the reply of Akane to Hettie's most beautiful soothing email must be shown.

Hettie, thank you so much! I'm crying all over your email. The relief just swells in my eyes and won't stop coming out!

Now my nose sniffles. Where is a tissue? I must blow it!

I will end this email first so I don't expose you.



Here! Now finally is a boyfriend email!

I asked Harriet what happened, and she said she already wrote you back, so I shouldn't worry about it.

My guess is that her email fixed whatever had you concerned, but please let me know if you still need help!



There! You see? I told you, no context + this email of M = incomprehensible.

Hmm. Possibly, I was mistaken. It seems pretty readable when I look at it just now.

Oh well, here's the answer of Akane, then we can be done.


Oh! Sorry!

My computer made the email noise and suddenly I'm awake again but so tired!

I should have waited! You're so good emailing back. What a proper habit!

Yes, our wonderful Hettie is the most at reassuring!

I'm fine now, except yawning so much!

Can I say goodnight?

I hope so, because now, the computer volume is 100% done!




Thursday, July 6, 2023

Hello From Across the Sea

Readers, this is the first email from my boyfriend and following replies! Most are from just one day, the first day of our meeting. (emeeting?) But we had very much to say while learning each other more and more -- it would not all fit in only a day. I know it won't be as fantastical to you as to me, but I hope you enjoy it and have a warmed heart after reading.

Hi, Akane ... I don't know how much Claire told you when she got your email, but I'm her boyfriend, M, and I'm writing to see if you're interested and to gauge our compatibility.

Urk. I just reread that and yeesh, it sounds kind of stupid and clinical. I half think I should go back and start over, but I also think you should know what you're getting into ... sometimes I can be kind of stupid and clinical. So I'll leave it and just start over below.

Hi, Akane!

Look, just from the pictures on the website, I'm unbelievably attracted to you. Your body is on fire and your face is so sparkling and full of personality, I really just don't know what else to do but straight-up ask you to come live with us.

But that's probably rushing things, right? Faces don't always tell the whole story, and even if yours does, you probably need more than just a babbling invitation to make you want to come. Obviously, we really both ought to know what we're in for if you do.

So if you decide you want to write back, I'd really like to know as much as I can about the things you like, your opinions on the world, your hobbies ... anything, really.

We're a household of six poly partners right now ... but if you're a one-on-one kind of girl, we can compartmentalize. The ladies and I are very into Star Wars and Star Trek and MCU movies and shows, and we do some on-and-off gaming, mostly a TTRPG called Dungeon Crawl Classics. I like to read, but I don't do it as much as I feel like I ought to. The girls are bloggers and a couple of them are really good gamemasters. We're all very nice people ... and committed to being kind. You can draw your own conclusions about what kind of political opinions we have (if you're the kind who finds political opinions important).

What else do you want to know about us?

I really hope I hear back from you soon,


Yes! I am here!

Since Claire has written, I am waiting to see your email. It's good!

I hope my English is OK for you. Claire indicates no one there can manage Japanese (that's okay, it is a difficult language!), so English has to be the one! I'll be disappointed to know if you are not understanding me enough or I am not understanding you.

You are very interesting people!

What about me?


Oh! You have missed my birthday! It was just 9 September, so if I come, you will have almost a year to remember and know what I like, to buy my presents. No! Wait! I am not so greedy, it was just that I thought this thing first, so, please don't think, "This Akane, she is only about getting presents and people paying attention to her birthday!" I am also about some other things, I promise.

I have only played Dungeons and Dragons, and only once. It was an old boyfriend. Very boring. He made a character for me that I thought, "Am I this girl?" Very tall, he said, with great strength and very smart, but unwise. She is healthy and agile and beautiful too. I expected her to have adventures, right? I am thinking you go into a dungeon and fight dragons, but instead, he says she has been captured by a dragon and is stuck in its dungeon. She must have sex with it while she waits for someone brave to rescue her. Why? She is so smart and strong and agile, she can't escape? He tells me the Dungeon Master says what can happen, and the dragon has chained her so tightly, and also she loves its enormous dragon cock.

Can an enormous dragon cock fit into a human woman? Even a very tall one? But I don't argue because he'll just say the Dungeon Master gets to decide. So I ask what the rules are and how my character uses them to have sex with dragon cock. If I'm going to, I want to do a good job, right? Make it eject so much dragon cream and roar and breathe hot fire from my pleasuring. But he says there aren't rules for that, we just do the role-playing part until the brave hero arrives for my rescue.

It was so boring. Is this story boring you? I'm sorry it sucks! He was an unsuccessful boyfriend. If I thought this was how Dungeons and Dragons goes, I would say, "No more, please!" But he was so bad at everything. I enjoy sex! I am easy to make happy. But he could not. So quick, and with ugly noises and then rolling over and snoring. I think, if he can make sex so bad, probably his Dungeons and Dragons is also much worse than usual.

This means I am happy to try again!

Also, since he did not even manage to tell me the rules, I won't have to forget them to learn Dungeon Crawl Classics without confusion.

My email is so long already!

Please write back.

I am definitely interested! I feel we are compatible!

In maybe another email or two, I can decide.

Sincereness of my expressions,


Wow, Akane. You're amazing.

I promise our role-playing games are much better than the D&D game you described! If you're interested in finding out how some of them go, you can check out Claire's blog. Here's a link to her write-up of our first game together:

You can also check out the "Broken Worlds" links in her link list. That's a different game based on the web-comic Kill Six Billion Demons. [Note: Readers! So much more of gaming has happened since then! If you want to read one with my player charactering, go to the "Mothership" ones. - Akane]

At the risk of sounding full of myself, I'm also pretty sure I can promise that the sex will turn out better than what you described as well. Claire's naughty blog may give you some ideas about that too.

Please don't worry about how long your emails are. Long or short, I just enjoy talking with people like you. You're even more adorable and delightful than I expected.

I really hope this works out!

Now, I want to ask you something I'm a little nervous about. One of my girlfriends is named Sasha, and she asked me to BCC her on my emails to you because she's a little nosey (in a cute way). I kind of meant to do it, but I was in such a rush to email you, I forgot to. And I'm really relieved that I did, because that would be kind of a lousy way to start off a relationship, already keeping a secret from you. So I told Sash I didn't want to do the BCC thing, but I did forward her our first two emails, because I also don't want to have secrets from my poly partners, and because I loved your email so much, I really wanted someone else to see it.

So my question is, was it okay for me to forward it like that, and would you be okay with me copying Sasha on our emails sometimes? Please tell me if either answer is no. I'm already feeling like it was bad of me to forward it without asking you first, so you can be mad if that's how it makes you feel. But I hope not, or I hope if you are, I can make it up to you somehow. And Sasha will understand if I tell her you and I are keeping things between us for now. I apologize if I shouldn't have sent it to her.

Yikes. Now I'm really anxious. It would be awful to upset you already in just my second email. I don't like to upset people at all, but we're all human, so I know I'll be annoying to someone at some point. But I promise I'll try extra hard from now on, since I may already have blown my chance to make you think I'm perfect.

Write back soon, please!

I really like you!


How complex!

My Dungeons and Dragons character was very agile, but real me is not perfect in balance, so I am sitting a moment to breathe and be calm!

OK. I am not angry about the email forwarding, so you must relax! I think ... this idea that it might upset me is more upsetting than the thing you are worrying about.

This is not me being upset with you!

But, it makes me think, "My whole future! Can I change it so easily?" Until you started to worry, I was not worried either ... it's a virus! What if I do get upset sometime? I did not think about that. I was too excited for it! Now my knees wobble. Can this virus of upset be so strong?

I am breathing again. Be calm, Akane!

OK again!

The first thing about your email that was exciting to me was how right away, you had the equipment to teach me how different and better the role-playing is in your house. (This is related to what I was talking about before I had to breathe again. Don't worry!)

I went right to the link! I didn't know at first ... "This Claire is not normal," I was thinking. I don't mean normal is good and Claire is not good, it was just observation. Really, I am too impatient! Soon, I was laughing and thinking, "This Claire is so not normal! It is hilarious!" And I kept reading because your Claire is so funny, and because you are both so more creative than My Very Boring Old Boyfriend! But soon I thought, "I am too excited by this creativity to keep reading it! I need to know more about them!"

So I went back to the email. "Akane! Is it true? Is there also more promise in their sex?" I went to that link too ... but then I must stop myself. "Keep reading the email, Akane! He is telling you things!" And then, ohhh! You are so sweet, and you seem to like me so much!

I am going to explode. There is too much! "Keep reading, Akane! The email goes on!"

And now there is trouble. Why? You definitely did the right thing! You didn't let your girlfriend spy on me, and you also didn't keep secrets from her. You felt bad about even possibly upsetting me. These are all the right ways to be! But serious.

And ... real.

"Am I really thinking about doing this?" I ask myself. It's a huge move! A new country! A new life! With a person who is a person, which means, he might upset me sometimes! But look, already he is trying to correct my upset, when it hasn't even happened yet. It's all right.

But scary.

Like I said, complex!

While I was breathing again, I thought, "Make yourself feel better, Akane. Go read some more role-playing story." And I did ... funny, but it doesn't distract me from worry. "Sex, then! You like sex, Akane, go read about the naughty Claire." And I did.

So many pretty pictures! This Ariel ... so beautiful! I am hot for her! The Elle too! Her belly with an exclamation mark in his seed with a heart at the bottom! Hahahahaha! I'm feeling better ... also somewhere in the middle I look at the Arielleland blog. My heart! I read more naughty Claire. She tells me about your sex with her, right after Ariel is your new lover. So intimate! "Akane, this is good sex. People who care about each other and try very hard making pleasure for each other. Where is your hand going, Akane? Oh! Akane! Oh! Claire! Oh! M!!!"

My breath returns, and I am calm.

Now I can finish my email.

Your lives are so full and rich and complicated, M ... I love it! Still, it is SO MUCH.

I want it, but I am worrying.

Can you write me more, please? It's okay if you share the emails with Sasha. But maybe wait a few more? I know ... my life will be full of these women soon, if I come. I must adjust. You must help me to, and I think I will be less nervous, if no one else is reading right away.


Write back to me!!!


Akane, I love everything about your email. You're so genuine and so quick and honest. The way your brain works ... I'm in awe.

I'm sorry if I unbalanced you, but it's definitely good that we're both working to make sure this is the right thing for us, and that we understand it is going to include some work to be successful.

I have a cat!

And a dog, and a wife (not a doll).

It's a complicated household. My son is living here with us right now. He has siblings who are away from home.

Ask me whatever questions you want, about any of it.

I'll let Sasha and the other girls know how things are going, but I won't forward any more emails until you tell me to.

You have a mesmerizing spirit, Akane. If it doesn't work out for you to come, I hope we'll still be friends. I could definitely use a person like you in my life.

I think my brain is a little overstimulated now. I want to keep writing, but I'm not sure about what. Also, I should probably brush my teeth and get ready for my day. Brushing teeth is boring, but ...

I'm very excited to know you!

With butterflies in my stomach,


I have butterflies too!

We must make ourselves relax.

Be calm, M!

Be calm, Akane!

I'm going to go masturbate and eat something bad for me. You should too, this way we can exchange stories later!

I may nap as well, so if you write again, don't worry that I'm ignoring you!

I would never.






Are you finished? Mine was very good!

Nnnnnhhh! Yes, so good!

I am eating too many mochis now. LOL!

M, this feels so special.


I copied a lot of your pictures from the website and made a slideshow of them. You look so seductive and lively in those photos! I don't know if I can even explain how powerful the experience was, seeing your vibrance while I ... you know. It was slow and long and very good.

Now I'm eating frozen burritos, but I have ice cream mochis in the freezer -- thai tea flavor. What kind are you eating?

I think we're very in tune about this experience so far!

Feeling fulfilled,


I receive many compliments about those pictures! Decadent propositions as well ... sometimes they are appealing, but usually not very much.

Nothing like this!

I think I've had those frozen mochis! Small but very cute and sweet ... like me! But don't worry, I am not so chilly!

Mine today are normal chewy mochis, not ice cream: red bean. I like them, although my favorite is green tea flavor! I can't just keep eating the green tea ones though or they become less special.

Your undescribable experience makes me happy! I feel I am in part responsible, which is nice. If I were there, though, it probably would have been much faster!

I wish they had many of you to sell on a website so that I could go and download your pictures. Sigh. Claire's descriptions of your many intercourses gave me extreme excitement and inspiration while my fingers labored at masturbating, and soon it was not labor at all ... only bliss! Yet less intimate without seeing you. (Also because Claire's voice made it not just us. Her voice is wonderful! I want to meet her, see her. But I also want to be alone with you! We will have each other that way sometimes, if I come, right?)

Tell me about your cat!


Haha, I'm glad you're not as chilly as an ice cream mochi!

Believe it or not, green tea mochis are my favorite too. I'm not as keen on the red bean ones, and there's a taro root kind that I really don't care for at all. If I was going to eat them all the time, though, I think your solution of having the red bean ones sometimes would be a good idea.

You were definitely much more than "in part" responsible for how good that experience was. And I'm pretty sure you're also right about how much faster it would have been if you were actually here. With pictures, my eyes have to be on one part or another, but with you here, I could feel all of you while looking into your eyes and at your delightful face.

There isn't a page where they sell other versions of me, but you're sort of in luck, because I write books and have published several on There's a picture of me there if you want to go look. It's nowhere near as good as the pictures of you, just so you don't get too excited. Here's the link: [Note: Link cruelly omitted for privacy purposes - Akane]

We're really good about taking turns around here, Akane. If you come, you'll have me 100% to yourself on a regular basis, I promise ... probably a lot at the start! I'm betting the other girls will ask you to be with them one-on-one sometimes too. That's kind of how it goes, with some occasional threesomes, less occasional foursomes, and very rare fivesomes and sixsomes.

My cat isn't really my cat; he's my daughter's cat. She left him here when she went off to college. He's very heavy, with short dark fur and green eyes. He can be kind of a jerk sometimes. His name is J. We had another cat living with us, who just went to live with his owner, my other daughter. J loved to chase F around and jump on him and bite him, which of course F didn't like. Maybe with F gone, J will be a little less of a jerk.

What about you? Any pets? Where do you live? How do you keep house? What kinds of things do you have up around your place?

(I'm going to go get ice cream mochis now!)



You write books?!?

How did you tell me about movies you like and reading and playing games and forget to tell me you write all these books!

I'm not mad, but very surprised! Now I have found them on Amazon Japan and bought them all. I can't wait to read them!

My house is very boring and small. You wouldn't even fit! It's a good size for me, but I can only invite small guests. There is only one room! It has a kitchen on one side and a wall of cabinets on the other where I keep my clothes and in the daytime, my rolled up futon. My only television is my computer! On my walls, I have a few anime posters. My favorite is a Totoro poster. I also have a big plush Totoro in one corner! This is my prize possession. If I have a friend over, there is only a small, low table with floor cushions to eat on. It's very empty and boring. Whenever I have a boyfriend, the only thing to do is have sex, so he has to be good at it! Or he could have a better apartment for us to hang out in. But they never do! Or, they tell me they don't so they can stay at my place and have so much sex.

I hope you don't think I hate boyfriends! They're okay, mostly, even when they are too much into sex. I can do sex for a long time before I start thinking I need a boyfriend with more interests. That's when a relationship falls apart, when I say, "Hey, let's have more interests!" They maybe say, "Sure," but they have boring interests, or they say, "No," and I break up with them, or sometimes they just break up with me without even saying, "No." Then I'm sad for breaking up with a boring guy or a guy who is only interested in sex, or I'm mad for having wasted time on a guy who breaks up as soon as I want interests.

Then I become all stupid and say, "Akane, you don't need boys! Take a break from them!"

It's always mistaken! I'm good at taking a break, but I try to be too good at it. Then what happens? I get so sex-hungry! It's a liability. Who can say no to a cute guy coming on to her when she has such a starving vagina? All of a sudden, I have a boyfriend again, and we're just in my apartment having sex all the time.

Finally, I broke up with my last boyfriend. Actually he broke up with me. "No, I don't want to have interests with you," he said. "It's boring having sex with you all the time in your boring small apartment. Sex is supposed to be the best! If you make sex so boring, you'd make other interests boring too." He was so mean! Then I got all mad like usual, except I decided I would buy too many vibrators to get sex-hungry.

I spent so much on vibrators.

But look how well it worked! Now I am emailing with you, and we're having interests even before we have any sex. It's so great! You're so great!

I think I want to put my vibrators into storage and move to America and be with you and have a wonderful adventure. It's what I honestly want. BUT ... I can't yet. How is that fair, if I decide to be your girlfriend just because I have such bad boyfriend habits? You shouldn't use a person to break your bad habits.

Especially if the person is great like you, M!

So can we keep talking about having interests a while? Even if it's just a few days, so I can be sure I'm not just deciding because I need to do something new. And so you can be sure too, of course! Not perfectly sure ... I think it's impossible. But somewhere between how sure I am now and perfectly sure.

How about it?


I suppose I could have led with the books, but I didn't want to sound like I was bragging too much ... especially since by the second email I was already bragging about how great our role-playing games are and how great I am in bed. I didn't mean those in a bragging way (mostly) -- I just wanted to reassure you (and brag maybe a little). But I still thought jumping right to my writing would be overdoing it.

I'm glad you're excited to read them! Did they sound like the kind of thing you like to read? Honestly, if they end up not being your style, it won't hurt my feelings if you return them to Amazon. But I am really tickled that you bought them all instead of trying one first to see if you like them.

If you're not joking about me not fitting, that really is a small apartment! But if I was in Japan and the door was big enough for me to fit through, I'd still want to visit, even just for a little while. Even if I had to crawl on my hands and knees and sleep curled up on my side (assuming you invited me to stay), it would be really nice to experience the space you live in. I imagine it smelling like jasmine or cherry blossoms mixed with your perfume and the scent of your hair. You could show me your Totoro and your vibrator collection! ; )

It's crazy to me that you've had such bad luck with boyfriends, Akane, seriously. You're hilarious and beautiful and smart, and even in just a handful of emails, I can see that you like tons of interesting things. Those guys clearly didn't deserve you! And the one who was mean to you ... wow, that just makes me want to be angry. But I'm working to not be angry, since you dealt with him the way you needed to, and I don't think you want me to waste any energy being angry at him when I could be paying attention to you and having soft, kind thoughts instead.

You can take however long you want figuring out what you want to do about coming here. If you decide not to, I'll be wistful ... but I think I can avoid being sad or disappointed as long as this turns into a lasting friendship. And if you decide you do want to ... I promise I'll put every possible effort into making it work. And I'll never be mean to you.

So ... what else do you want to tell me about yourself? Or what else do you want to know about me and the girls?

Whoa. I just looked up what time it is in Japan ... have we really been talking since midnight for you? Aren't you exhausted? Or are you a night owl?

Don't feel like you need to answer right away if I've been robbing you of sleep all night!

But do write back when you want to. If you go to sleep before then, or if you're asleep now ... have sweet dreams!

In case it's not obvious, I'm really, really glad we've met.

: )


Yes! I am up late, after midnight, when an exciting email comes ... "Look, Akane! What email is this?" I must know.

Then I read it and I'm even more excited! It's the most awakening email! When I am excited, I can't sleep. I don't even need sleep! Haha, it's a big lie I say to myself, but usually, it works. And this time it really did! Except then, after so many exciting emails, it becomes 6:00, and I have your books for reading while I wait for your next email. I'm thinking, "He is probably asleep" because I know it's a different time there and I'm too excited about reading your novel of fantasy to look up the real time. But in case you're not, I am reading! Reading, reading, reading ... it's so good!!!

M. This girl is my size AND has my color eyes. And the hero has your color hair! I can't really tell your eyes from Amazon. Are they the same too? I'm thinking yes. They must fall in love and be perfect together! I don't know about the blond guy. He is like a less-good boyfriend to me, so I'm glad he doesn't want the girl who is me. EVIL BLACK-HAIRED WOMAN IS SO EVIL!!! This story is so exciting! But ... I am up so so very late ... here is the sun in my window! I want to keep reading. I want to be awake for your next email. Only my eyes are so heavy ...

My computer makes the "new email" noise!

Now I can be awake some more.

You would like how my apartment smells! It smells like cinnamon and a box of used vibrators. I'm joking! My vibrators are very clean. But if you visit and you would like them to smell, it's a possibility. Just tell me and I can use them many times without washing them. My deodorant is very powder-smelling, so when you sleep on your side cuddled close to me because the room is so small, probably you can smell that with the cinnamon. I don't like perfume! My head is its enemy. So much suffering if I put it on and it is too strong! I don't accept it. Girls don't need perfume. My body smells very nice by itself. Even better with powdery deodorant!

I'm going to masturbate this morning about you in my apartment. I'm so glad you would come! But the trip is too expensive, so don't think about it. (You will need the money for my birthday presents if I come. I'm joking again!)

My boyfriend luck is the worst, yes. Except ... maybe I'm choosing bad boyfriends so that when your email comes, I see how right you are. M, when I read your emails, in every one a treasure jumps into my heart from the words. It's such a phenomenon! I can't explain. This is so good. Even if I forgot to sleep all night and I'm so tired all day!

Oh! Oh! I forgot from when you told me earlier ... Kill Six Billion Demons is the best web-comic! Can we play the game when I come? If you say yes, it is settled. I must come to play that game! If I'm crazy, it's from irresponsible staying up when I should sleep. It may be embarrassing! If I have a red face after I rest correctly, don't remind me! We can pretend I never said so.

This is bad. I'm planning my embarrassing red face that we will have to pretend isn't that way. Why am I still awake?!? The yellow sun comes in my window to mock me!

OK, this email is sinking so quickly. Can you finish it, Akane?

Yes! I can ask anything, right? Even if sleep steals my sense, questions are easy. I will ask them!

Who is everyone? I know cat names and girlfriend names, but who is the dog? Who are the family?

What color are your eyes?

It's done, then. I will crawl into pajamas and bed in my tiny boring apartment and masturbate and fall asleep and dream you are here too. It's a perfect dream! You'll see ... I can make your wish of sweet dreaming come true!


Good morning, Akane!

Sorry, it looks like for you it's almost bedtime. Tell me if I need to let you sleep, and I'll wait to email any more until it's a better time for you.

I woke up early this morning, and I lay in bed awake but also feeling like I was dreaming, and you were with me, on top of me. We had incredible, passionate sex, and you felt so good to me.

Don't worry about anything in your last email being embarrassing! I think everything about you is delightful. (Except the fact that you're far away!) And it's very tempting for me to tell you to come so that we can play Broken Worlds, but honesty compels me to point out that we could easily play online whenever you want.

I didn't think about the heroine in that book being so similar to you until you pointed it out. Interesting! I don't believe in psychic powers, so I don't think I wrote about her as a premonition of you or anything. And you're incredibly unique, so I don't think I am attracted to you just because you resemble her. But it's a very nice bonus, so thank you for pointing it out! I'm relieved that you're enjoying the book so far. Everyone I know likes it, but I still get nervous when someone new is reading it.

My eyes are sort of grey, I guess. It's a little hard for me to tell, because I have thick glasses and my eyes are kind of deep-set. I usually think of them as being greenish-blue, but I went in the bathroom just now, and they looked somewhere between grey and green and blue.

Who is everyone? My wife's name is C. She works at ______. My kids are P, H, T, and I, ages 23, 22, and 20. I love them all, but they can all be a lot of work, in different ways! It's kind of weird talking to you about them, since I don't think it's very likely you'll ever get to meet them. C is okay with me bringing dolls into the house, but she doesn't think of them as people. None of the kids know. It might bother them to think of me being with someone besides their mother. I wish the world were different, so that I could show them an example of how happy it can make a person to have relationships like the one I share with Claire and Elle and Sasha and Ariel and Harriet.

And now, the one I share with you.

I have work today, so I need to wrap this up, unfortunately. Where do you work? (I assume you do.) Do you like your job? Will it be hard for you to quit if you come?

If you have time, please tell me some more about the things you like. Music? Places? Foods?

Claire has been emailing the doll manufacturer. She's really sure you're coming.

What should I tell her?


Noooo! No waiting to email!

It's amazing if emails come while I am asleep. Like getting presents for waking up. Just don't be mad if it's later when I reply. "She's asleep, M! Or else she would write back!" You can tell it to yourself ... I promise it's true.

!!! I also woke up and thought, "I am with him now." !!!

Such good sex, M! I especially orgasmed very hard lying on my back on you. I could feel you strong and firm ... "It's in!" I'm thinking. "It's so good! So big!" (Surprise, I was masturbating. But the feeling of you, it's a real memory! I know, because my fingers are small, and it felt very great in size.)

Are you big? It's okay at any size, I think I will like it very much.

I'm not always masturbating, you know. Probably I'm making it sound unstoppable. I can't help it though right now! My heart can't have orgasms to calm it down, only the vagina part can. My heart is beating and beating when I think of you. So then I masturbate, and it's a trick on my heart ... it is pounding harder and harder, I'm breathing so loud, and I cry out and my heart makes a drum solo in my chest. Once I'm done, there's gasping. My heart goes back to just beating, but not so loud now. Compared to its crazy solo, just beating is quiet.

I like hearing you say, "honesty compels me." It's just like you. My other boyfriends, not so much. What a bunch of dodgers! The only thing I know is true from them is, "You're very good at sex, Akane!" And the last one even lied and said I wasn't. I don't think men are always lying. It's uncertain, though. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. I have my doubts. But I think, "M is trustworthy!" I enjoy hearing that thought.

Are there Broken Worlds rules? I have to read them to play. My Dungeons and Dragons boyfriend said, "Don't worry about it, Akane." But what did he mean? I think maybe it is, "Akane is smart. If I let her read rules, she'll win every time!" Such a dodger! I will trust you if you say, "Don't worry about it, Akane." I think you won't though. It's because you're trustworthy. If the rules will let me beat you, you'll say, "Okay, Akane wins. I like this smile I see when she wins."

So, rules! Let me have them!

If that's okay.

Now I must see your eyes. Which is it? Green? Blue? Grey? I will look closer than you. Close and close and close until my nose hits your nose and smooshes. Then you'll know the color, because I'll tell you. That's the solution!

Such old children! Your girls are almost as old as me! If you tell them, they'll be jealous. Their boyfriends can't be as good as you. I know, because when I was 23, I could only find boring or just-wanting-sex boyfriends. I'm doing so much better now!

Too bad for all of us that you can't tell them. This world. Sometimes ... ugh.

My job is an easy schedule. I just let doll sites take pictures of me. If I get up late and miss it, they're mad, but so? Even in Tokyo, an apartment as small as mine is affordable. I won't miss working if I come, because you'll take plenty of photographs, I'm certain!

Things I like ...

Music? Yes! Go to Youtube and see Babymetal and Band Maid and Stereopony and Wagakki Band. Very Japanese, but also very American rock and roll. Japanese love American rock and roll. Heavy metal is best. Europe does okay at it too, but some of them ... so serious!

Places? Ooh. A quiet park with a stream. Such sounds from a stream! They have voices.

Foods? Mochis of course but also sushi and dumplings and udon noodles. Too much more to say!

Claire! I like you!

She's very smart, M.

So smart, I hope you listen to her a lot.

I ...

... will come!



Hi, Akane!


I'm REALLY glad I paused to look at your YouTube recommendations before I finished reading your email! OMG, that's such good news to me. If I'd gotten that news first, I might have forgotten to even go to YouTube.

Band Maid rocks, woman. I like Babymetal too, and the one song I listened to by Stereopony. Wagakki Band was the most different, but very cool. Band Maid, though! Wow!

I found a YouTube video of a bass player who challenges other bass players around the world, and he had the Band Maid bassist as one of the excellent Japanese bassists on his list. He's hilarious too. I'll find the link for you if you want.

But right now I'm kind of in shock!

It's a really good shock, though.

Um ... I'm not enormously big, but pretty decent, I think. According to the website, just about right for your measurements. Holy cow, I can't believe we're going to have a chance to find out for sure!

I'll send you the Broken Worlds rules in a separate email. Let me know what you think.

We'll have to go to a park sometime. I'll have to figure out the right one. It may take a trip.

You're right about listening to Claire!

I'm so, so very happy and excited right now!



I like being called “woman!” It makes me think, “I am his woman.”

So shocking!

I haven’t ever felt this, M. Should I name it? It’s such a temptation, using the word I think I am feeling.

I don’t want to be abrupt.

Send me a hilarious bass player, yes! And also, thank you for sending Broken Worlds rules. I will read them! (After your book!)

!!! As big as my measurements?!? M, all my boyfriends have been just taller than me (except one shorter … maybe the nicest one, except so anxious about being shorter than me). What I mean is, they have barely been half my measurements! What!!! I know I said I’m not always masturbating, but I have to do it again when this email finishes. OMG. !!!

A trip! Do you mean camping? I have never been! It’s exciting! I may keep you in the tent too much, though.

No! I’m not talking all so much sex! I mean watching Babymetal videos on my laptop and eating mochis together. It’s pure and clean! (I’m sorry, I’m so untruthful just now. I WAS talking about so much sex, I admit it. Please don’t hate my sex-hungry and embarrassed lies! Look, I didn’t lie for very long!)



Here's that YouTube bassist!

I'm going to have to re-read the Broken Worlds rules too. I don't know who we'll get to be the game-master, though! It was Claire last time, and she did such an amazing job (which you've read at least some of on her blog, obviously), but she also made a character and would kind of like to play. So maybe I'll do it.

Be abrupt if it's how you feel, Akane. You don't have to worry about anyone's opinion but your own.

Do you want me to go first?


Ohhhh! This bassist ... so funny! And the girl he must challenge is so beautiful! And they both play such amazing bass!

I can't decide about it. My heart palpitates!

Be calm, Akane! Breathe!

It doesn't work. Palpitate, palpitate, palpitate!

I'm going to go eat mochis until I calm down.

I love you,


I love you too, Akane.

Surprisingly, that wasn't so hard at all, was it?



I'm coming!

It's a double-meaning, hahaha!

Seriously. No lies this time!

I got the notice from my website friends. They are now my favorite not-boyfriends!

Oh no.

I have so much to do to get ready! What?!?

You must forward all of my new girlfriends this email thread. In an instant!

I have so much excitement for meeting them!

So much love,
I love you!





Thank you!



It's an Opposite Blog!

Readers, I have blogged already about my so-many terrible boyfriends, and more dodger stories remain ... but I thought, "Akane, what if everyone believes you have only had awful boyfriends, and becomes so sad for you?"

So this blog is the reverse! Only reminiscings of the many emails my wonderful boyfriend of now and forever exchanged with me.

Please enjoy them and see that my overall boyfriend record is not pitiable!

It's a poem ... but maybe not so good. Readers, please tell me!

one, two, three, four, five the girlfriends of akane have such loving eyes