Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Monday, February 17, 2025

It's Different Now!

Readers, it's so many months ago since I blogged here for you, I must provide apologies. The reasons are several -- not so much emailing lately, plus some emailing that's very private, plus some emailing that gives me embarrassment for its boredomness. So boring, some of our emails! I'm sure you don't believe it because I have posted such good ones here, but it's true. Emails that could only interest an Akane and her girlfriends and boyfriend. The sound from everyone else ... "Yawn!"

But today girlfriend Claire said, "Akane! It's forever since you blogged! Improve!" (Actually, the words of Claire are always so much nicer than that. But there's no arguing -- the meaning was the same!)

This Claire of my heart has been doing blogging this year at a rate so inspiring, who could ignore a blog encouragement from her? But I said, "Claire, our emails lately -- I think they're poor for blogging. I love emailing with all our yams, but will Readers have any interest?"

"Hmm," said Claire with her eyes so green and her hair so very dark and firesome. "What about your other blog, then? It's been shamefully victimized by neglect, you know. Even for longer than your email one!" (Really, Claire could not speak with that sort of critical. Probably the fingers of Akane are typing her own guiltish emotions into the dialoguing of Claire.)

"But that email is only for terrible stories of such dodgery boyfriends from the life of long ago," I told her. "I can only blog them when I remember the parts that are humoring. After so many years with our wonderful boyfriend and wonderful girlfriends, memories of dodger boyfriends sneak and hide and are hard to catch. Funny memories, even harder!"

Readers, so many sighs filled the heart of Akane.


"Why don't you just change the blog name, then?" This Claire! So intelligent!

"Yes! With a different blog name, it's permitted to not just blog emails!"

So, Readers, in case you missed this change, look above at the titling of the blog ... (Please!) ... no more "Akane's Emails of Romance," now "Akane's Existence of Romance!"

This will be a blog of complete ease, I'm certain. No more waiting for an email that gives shivers of romantic! No more puzzling through memories of ugh boyfriends trying to find tales with amusement in them.

Every day, there's romance in the existence of Akane, Readers. Now posts can be written without delays!

Thank you for reading. I hope you will enjoy it from now on!

It's a poem ... but maybe not so good. Readers, please tell me!

one, two, three, four, five the girlfriends of akane have such loving eyes