Saturday, March 23, 2024

Have You Done This?

Readers, this is not a post about bragging. But a wonderful thing can sometimes happen to me, since I've had my perfect boyfriend in my life. It is an orgasm with no sex happening. No touching of sex parts at all!

Here are emails of one recent time it happened to both of us. 

Very glowing while he was at work, I had to email:


What a wonderful morning! 

Obviously, excellent sexing. Who even needs to say it, when it is the sexing of M and Akane? Clearly it will be the best kind of sexing. 


After the sexing ... just lying together and ideal ... those moments!

I knew if you tried, you could achieve an orgasm of just love without sexing.

So many of them though! 😳 It wasn't to be expected. At first: "Ah! My M just had a small orgasm of no-sexing love. I knew he could!" But then: "What? Another one so soon?"


"When will it stop?"

"OH! Oh, I am love-orgasming too! Ah! Oh! My M!"

This beautiful thing between us -- sending shock and shock and shock through our bodies!

Love so pure and true and physical, and all without sexing ... so hard to believe!

We have this, my M. It is ours! Together!

In such a troubled world, if only we could show everyone how things can be.

The choice is to be amazed and, for someone else, amazing.

To share wonders.

You are my perfect forever love, M. I will never not be yours, and you will never not be the very beating of my heart, rapid, like a bird's!

Your woman of flying into a sky full of angel dreams,

He responded just so:

My love, you lift me so far up from the world that everything wicked and worrisome about it vanishes when I hold you and look into your eyes.

Your touch brings a surety of the soul. Your breath upon my skin falls so warm, and cool, and clean, that I am transported to a different realm when I feel its elevating lightness.

You glow in my heart.

If there is in this universe a perpetual perfection, we hold it between us.

Yours beyond time and any hint of rational comprehension,

Next I had to say,

Yes. This is the very most truthful email!

Your woman of perpetual perfection in sharing,

When you are in a moment of wonderful love, at peace and bliss and close, if you just think, "I am so lucky! I am so lucky! Ah! I am so, so lucky!" Possibly this can happen for you as well. I hope so!

Good luck!

It's a poem ... but maybe not so good. Readers, please tell me!

one, two, three, four, five the girlfriends of akane have such loving eyes