one, two, three, four, five
the girlfriends of akane
have such loving eyes
Akane's Existence of Romance!
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
It's a poem ... but maybe not so good. Readers, please tell me!
Monday, February 17, 2025
It's Different Now!
Readers, it's so many months ago since I blogged here for you, I must provide apologies. The reasons are several -- not so much emailing lately, plus some emailing that's very private, plus some emailing that gives me embarrassment for its boredomness. So boring, some of our emails! I'm sure you don't believe it because I have posted such good ones here, but it's true. Emails that could only interest an Akane and her girlfriends and boyfriend. The sound from everyone else ... "Yawn!"
But today girlfriend Claire said, "Akane! It's forever since you blogged! Improve!" (Actually, the words of Claire are always so much nicer than that. But there's no arguing -- the meaning was the same!)
This Claire of my heart has been doing blogging this year at a rate so inspiring, who could ignore a blog encouragement from her? But I said, "Claire, our emails lately -- I think they're poor for blogging. I love emailing with all our yams, but will Readers have any interest?"
"Hmm," said Claire with her eyes so green and her hair so very dark and firesome. "What about your other blog, then? It's been shamefully victimized by neglect, you know. Even for longer than your email one!" (Really, Claire could not speak with that sort of critical. Probably the fingers of Akane are typing her own guiltish emotions into the dialoguing of Claire.)
"But that email is only for terrible stories of such dodgery boyfriends from the life of long ago," I told her. "I can only blog them when I remember the parts that are humoring. After so many years with our wonderful boyfriend and wonderful girlfriends, memories of dodger boyfriends sneak and hide and are hard to catch. Funny memories, even harder!"
Readers, so many sighs filled the heart of Akane.
"Why don't you just change the blog name, then?" This Claire! So intelligent!
"Yes! With a different blog name, it's permitted to not just blog emails!"
So, Readers, in case you missed this change, look above at the titling of the blog ... (Please!) ... no more "Akane's Emails of Romance," now "Akane's Existence of Romance!"
This will be a blog of complete ease, I'm certain. No more waiting for an email that gives shivers of romantic! No more puzzling through memories of ugh boyfriends trying to find tales with amusement in them.
Every day, there's romance in the existence of Akane, Readers. Now posts can be written without delays!
Thank you for reading. I hope you will enjoy it from now on!
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Have You Done This?
Readers, this is not a post about bragging. But a wonderful thing can sometimes happen to me, since I've had my perfect boyfriend in my life. It is an orgasm with no sex happening. No touching of sex parts at all!
Here are emails of one recent time it happened to both of us.
Very glowing while he was at work, I had to email:
What a wonderful morning!
Obviously, excellent sexing. Who even needs to say it, when it is the sexing of M and Akane? Clearly it will be the best kind of sexing.
After the sexing ... just lying together and ideal ... those moments!
I knew if you tried, you could achieve an orgasm of just love without sexing.
So many of them though! π³ It wasn't to be expected. At first: "Ah! My M just had a small orgasm of no-sexing love. I knew he could!" But then: "What? Another one so soon?"
"When will it stop?"
"OH! Oh, I am love-orgasming too! Ah! Oh! My M!"
This beautiful thing between us -- sending shock and shock and shock through our bodies!
Love so pure and true and physical, and all without sexing ... so hard to believe!
We have this, my M. It is ours! Together!
In such a troubled world, if only we could show everyone how things can be.
The choice is to be amazed and, for someone else, amazing.
To share wonders.
You are my perfect forever love, M. I will never not be yours, and you will never not be the very beating of my heart, rapid, like a bird's!
Your woman of flying into a sky full of angel dreams,
He responded just so:
My love, you lift me so far up from the world that everything wicked and worrisome about it vanishes when I hold you and look into your eyes.
Your touch brings a surety of the soul. Your breath upon my skin falls so warm, and cool, and clean, that I am transported to a different realm when I feel its elevating lightness.
You glow in my heart.
If there is in this universe a perpetual perfection, we hold it between us.
Yours beyond time and any hint of rational comprehension,
Next I had to say,
Yes. This is the very most truthful email!
Your woman of perpetual perfection in sharing,
When you are in a moment of wonderful love, at peace and bliss and close, if you just think, "I am so lucky! I am so lucky! Ah! I am so, so lucky!" Possibly this can happen for you as well. I hope so!
Good luck!
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Girlfriend Emails!
(It's to girlfriend Elle and also to me.)
Hi, girlfriends!
So, I know Akane wants to blog more and if she's going to do that on her emails of romance blog she needs some emails.
And I also know that emailing each other is good for everyone's soul around here. Like, even when somebody's not on an email for whatever reason, the fact that such a good email got sent from one of us to another just improves the whole house of yams's vibes. Right?
And I also know that because of that, M was thinking he should make sure that somebody around here sends an email at least once a day.
And seeing as I was already on the computer, I figured, hey, why not have it be me today?
And then I thought, I'll email M, but then maybe I can CC Akane and she can use the email in her blog if she thinks it's good enough.
So that's what I'm doing, only then I remembered how good Elle's 350th thing she loves about us entry was and how I wanted to say something extra special to her about it, and also I had this kind of Elle-stuck-in-my-heart thing going on, so I deleted M's email and added Elle's (only now I feel kind of bad about that and I think maybe I should add him back or else write him his own email), and so there you go, that's the deal with this email.
Does that work for you, Akane? Like, getting a CC of an email even though maybe it won't actually have anything in it addressed right to you? Because if you don't want to get an email like that, I can always just email it to Elle (or M, or yamever it might be for) and then if they say, "Hey, this is a great romantic email, you should totally forward it to Akane," I can forward it to you.
Also, does this work for you, Elle? Because if you'd like my emails to you to just be to you so they're private and just for us up until you tell me to forward them to Akane because you think they're great, I can totally do it that way too.
Holy moley, though, this email is probably not romantical enough for Akane's blog, is it?
What if I end it by saying, wow, it's a really long email for me, I don't usually write them this long, and it must be because I'm so excited about having an idea to share with two of the most wonderful girls in the whole world who also are absolutely the bestest girlfriends (both kinds of girlfriend definitions!) that a girl could have and who help make this yamily the most unbelievably love-stuffed and happy place I could ever imagine!
I love you both so so so SO much!
Ariel ... so adorable! I enjoy how she worries her email is insufficient for romance. It's so caring and thoughtful an email! Possibly others think of different things when imagining romance, but caring and thoughtful are always there for me.
Here is the response of Akane (some paragraphs may confuse because a reader might not know about yams or Zedeja, so click links for help!):
This idea = a bounty of exceptional possibility!
You are such a smart girlfriend, Ariel. Everyone here is so lucky to be your girlfriend, except of course M, who is lucky to be boyfriending such a girlfriend of excellence.
CC this girlfriend every time! It’s a rule now!
(Not really, you can CC or not CC, it’s an Ariel choice. Only Zedeja is so bossful! Akane only has suggestiveness.)
Your CC-able girlfriend of happiness at receiving all yamails and bottomless love for all girlfriends and one boyfriend,
p.s., So many “yam” words in these emails! I’ll invent another, in fact: they can be called “yamisms!” It’s criminal for so much yamliness to happen without Sasha seeing it, so I will be brash to add her as another CC to this email.
No worries from Akane about whether her email is romantic enough, right? It's because in this blog, I have authority! I get to decide if romanticness qualifies.
Anyway, now comes a reply from Elle to Ariel:
My dear, you win the Most Romantic Utterance in the World for yesterday just from saying, “I had this kind of Elle-stuck-in-my-heart thing going on.”
Yours … yours, yours, yours, yours, yours,
(You can see now why these emails belong in this blog. I have certainty about it.)
What is next? Remember, I CC'ed Sasha, the inventress of "yams!"
Oh, shit, all these YAMISMS!!!
“House of yams?” Nice.
“Yamever?” Excellente!
Extra points to Akane for “yamails” too!
After this, a quick reply from Ariel:
❤️❤️❤️, Elle! And πππ, Sash! Glad you like this, Akane! Love you all! Aers
Lastly, more Sasha!
Love you too … out the wazoo!
What do you feel, readers? Is this romantic enough? I hope you enjoyed at least a small percent of my enjoyment at these emails!
Friday, January 12, 2024
Demands for the Romance of Intimacy!
I think it's sexing time tomorrow morning.
So much time of M in the computer room, but no Dragonbaning! Also, no M saying, "I'm getting so much done in my book!"
Lots of "plinnng!" sounds from a tablet too! It's suspicious, M. The suspicion is: a boyfriend is porning so much lately! Remember, this is Akane, so there's no complaint about masturbation. Very exceptional if you're doing it the correct way! I have faith in you, M. Your masturbation must be very correctly done. I'm sure so many orgasms have been happening! (Probably this is because there has also been noise from the room of computing, you know. "Ohhh! It's so good being in you!" But all girlfriends are accounted for! Who can M be in? Obviously, the imagined vagina that goes with a porn girl.)
But porn sexing misses one thing at least from sexing with a girlfriend, you know. Wait! Two things at least! First, a soft, real body beneath you, eager to receive your penising. It's a major lacking in a porn girl. But second (which, actually, came first into the mind of Akane but is more important, so has been delayed for greater effect), when you sex with a girlfriend, there is tangible love. Your heart sings with the beauty of a girl you love! Masturbating, probably your heart only goes, "Hmm, pretty good here," while all the singing is produced by the penis. Probably a song like, "π΅ I am sexing into πΆ this vagina of my sexy porn girl π΅ very soon into her belly I will creamπ΅!" There's no difficulty with a song of that kind, but the song of the heart will stay with you more extensively, I think.
Also, your very beautiful and very pleasing at sex girlfriend Akane has a great amount of vagina starvation in progress. Such a starving vagina! Horniness beyond belief, M.
So I hope you agree: tomorrow is for sexing!
Your girlfriend whose heart is always singing of you, even when her vagina sings a sad tune of starvation,
So ... did this happen? YES! Email success the next morning! Then while still in bed M realized: "I did not reply to your email first!" I laughed and told him he must do it right then.
Oh my goddess, Akane. My heart is truly singing.
I love you perfectly.
(It was okay for such a short email response because the in-bed response was extremely sufficient in length!) Next I emailed:
This is the truth I told you yesterday!
Our love is so true, therefore our lovemaking exceeds masturbation. It is like a treasure vault that holds magic wonders beyond ending! Masturbation is good, but more like a Dragonbane treasure card. (Not a 1d6 copper one! Masturbation = a best of cards! But still not a vault endlessly holding wonders.)
Also: when you are working today, a thought about porning might make you think, “Ugh. I wish I was porning at some beautiful porn girl.”
But when you think about my face so close to yours while our bodies gave so much pleasure and connecting to each other, there can’t be an “Ugh!” There can only be lightness and brightness in your heart and mind from the memory.
(It’s still allowed for you to think, “I wish I was sexing with Akane right now instead of working,” though! I’m sure it will be true!)
Okay, time for washing up and breaking fast and working!
Your girlfriend of the truest and most loving emails and orgasms,
Then, the simplest email from M, later in our day:
I love you!
Only one possible response from Akane, of course.
This is the greatest thing that I could ask, M!
Sunday, October 15, 2023
The first post of innovated blog purpose!
From: girlfriend Ariel.
Hi, Akane! Happy Anniversary!
I was talking to M yesterday or day before and something we said made him suddenly realize and then remind me that your anniversary with him is also your anniversary with the rest of us and our anniversary with you, so I figured I'd better do some kind of something for our anniversary!
What I thought of first was this email. Which, here you go! (Once I send it, I mean.)
What I thought of next was, we should do something together. (I don't mean naughty stuff, although that's always good to do together too.)
I don't know what!
Maybe you can think of something.
It just seems to me, people think on their anniversaries they need to give the other anniversary-er something special to show what a big deal they are ... but isn't there something about me doing a thing for you that puts me on one side and you on the other side of it? It feels like that's kind of the opposite of what it's supposed to be, which is us being closer and closer?
Anyway, let's talk about it tomorrow!
Love you! Really, really!
The reply of Akane:
Oh! So thoughtful, my Ariel!
You are truly the girlfriend of inspiredness.
Yes! We must do something!
But what?
(There was a pause there. An idea, then, Hmm, Akane, this idea requires an investigation. Then some investigation. Now, return!)
I went to look at my newer blog:
Does it need to be just a blog of good boyfriending, I thought?
Looked at more closely, it possibly would fit good girlfriending also.
Is blogging together an option? I don't know about what. Also, the title is Akane's Emails of Romance, which would require us blogging there by emailing each other.
Or I would have to exchange titles.
Or, another blog entirely is possible. But we have so many already!
I have determined it: these two emails just now are going to be blogged. We can figure out later if this will be a tradition, or just a thing I did because of your wonderful thoughtful anniversarying email.
Hmm. Including girlfriend emails makes greater possibilities for that blog! You're so smart, Ariel!
Okay, going now. We'll talk more later!
Your girlfriend in love on our anniversary,
Expansion of Blogging Purpose!
There has not been so much blogging in this blog. Where are all the wondrous emails of romance Akane promised? Well, intentions were good, but the blog author ... so hasty! Yes, there have been so many emails of romance, and I expected to display them all to show the world such wonderful words of my boyfriend M and such heartfelt replies I sent back.
But ... readers, some of those emails ... um ... so filthy! Dirty, dirty, filthy emails. Not most of them, but some of them. I can't reveal them here, or it will be, "This Akane, so misleading! We expected emails of romance, and instead -- just emails of two very dirty-minded people. Filthy sexymails don't count for romance." Also, they might be jealousy-making. "Such emails of self-congratulatory! It's just these two bragging on each other, 'I have the most sexy girlfriend,' and 'I have the most orgasm-causing boyfriend!'" I don't like to seem bragful. (Even though the sexing of Akane and her M is very, very good! I promise I don't exaggerate.) Also, I don't like to pang my readers with boredom. ("Over and over, this Akane and her M saying, 'I want to do ____ to you,' and, 'Oh, such good ____ you did to me!' It's tiresome!")
Others of emails would be unprivatizing. M asking, "Did you read my book, ____, that I sent you?" Then Akane replying, "Oh, yes, I loved the character of ____ and how she did ____ at the place where ____." If the blanks are filled in, the identity of M is revealed! If the blanks are left blank, so confusing, and even more boring than emails of sex braggadocio.
Other emails were Akane delighting M with hilarious tales of bad boyfriends. But those tales are on my bad boyfriending blog! If I put them here too, repetitious, and plus, more boredom at the parts where M says, "Hahaha, so hilarious when Mochi-Stealing Boyfriend hogged all those mochis. Akane, you are hilarity."
However, there's a solution!
Akane did not just come to a house where she lives with M. Readers, as you have seen in earlier posts, there are girlfriends here also. Adding girlfriend emails to boyfriend emails will mean, it's easier to find ones I can post without inflicting boredom or failure of romantic purpose.
To prove this I will post a wondrous girlfriend anniversary email.
It's a poem ... but maybe not so good. Readers, please tell me!
one, two, three, four, five the girlfriends of akane have such loving eyes
Readers! There has not been so much blogging in this blog. Where are all the wondrous emails of romance Akane promised? Well, intentions wer...
Readers, there is so much emailing in this new year at our house. Girlfriend Ariel had an idea about it! (It's to girlfriend Elle and al...
I emailed this to M a Wednesday night: I think it's sexing time tomorrow morning. So much time of M in the computer room, but no Drago...